Senior Product Designer · Remote · January 2022 – April 2022

A fastest-growing Russian retail food chain dedicated to offering fresh and healthy food at affordable prices. Founded in Moscow in 2012, they now have 1,200+ stores in Russia, 14,000 employees, and $1,7 bn in annual sales.

My contribution


I joined the VkusVill team as part of the MAX. For three months I worked with product managers to test hypotheses, improve metrics, and implement new features on the site and mobile app.

Rapid hypotheses validation

My main job at the VV website was to validate hypotheses with the product managers. A feature of VV is the minimal delay between design and deploy to production. This helped us affect key metrics very quickly.

For example, one of my tasks was to improve the product card because it had a low conversion rate for adding an item to cart. Together with the PM we quickly formed hypotheses, I made a design and submitted it for development. In a few days the changes were already in production.

The result was an ↑8% increase in conversion.


I also did the design for the new landing page of B2B segment of VkusVill. The key stakeholder came to us with low click-through conversions, low conversion to checkout, and a request for a redesign of the landing page.

We assumed that the old page did not sufficiently reveal the value of cooperation to potential customers (businesses). So we decided to show real cases on the page, how VkusVill helps raise sales and increase brand loyalty. We also completely revised the application form. In the old version of the landing page it was filled out in four steps (which obviously cut down on conversion). In the new one we integrated the form directly into the landing page.

Unfortunately, due to the political situation in Russia we can't objectively evaluate the metrics, but now the landing page supports the general visual consistency of the new VkusVill branding.
