A new Russian self-storage service that helps people to free up space. The service provides a storage rooms on bluetooth locks a few steps way from the house as well as the possibility of storage items in warehouses outside the city.

My contribution


I joined the Skladno project as part of the MAX. For 9 months, I worked with the project stakeholders on the client side to design a new mobile app and website for them.

Mobile app & website relaunch

When I came to the project, Skladno already had a website with very limited features and an MVP of a mobile app (also built inside the studio) with one single function — opening a physical Bluetooth lock. Everything else was opened in webview.

I was the only designer on the project. My job was to rethink what was there, develop a new architecture for the mobile app and the new website, and then design them (designed 250+ screens in the mobile app). The mobile app was developed at the same time as the website.

My area of involvement in the project was not limited to interface design. Since the service was recently launched, many of the new features were not worked out on the product and operating system side at the time of design. I was actively involved in their discussion and interacted very closely with the stakeholders on the client side (CTO, CMO).


skladno web.png



skladno screen map.png


After completing the design phase of the website and mobile app, I was appointed art-director for this project. It was a new experience and a new challenge for me. I was now responsible for project timelines for the client, setting tasks and priorities for the new designer and of course, the end result of everything we do.